The Judgement of Paris / Walter McEwen / VMFA



The plaque at the museum says McEwen was an American expatriate living in the Netherlands. The painting is hanging too high. (oh well) McEwen was inspired by 17th century Dutch masters Frans Hals. Looking at this painting makes me wonder if that’s Paris sitting with goddesses at the table. Maybe he used the Dutch interior, and Dutch figures to represent the characters, or maybe that’s a Dutchman telling the story to 3 ladies. But the man holding an apple and the girls intense interest makes me think they are the goddesses and Paris.

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Randy Patton
    Apr 20, 2014 @ 14:56:29

    Saw the painting today at VMFA. You are correct…it is hanging too high. The light reflects off the piece and you can’t see it until you back to the middle of the room, then it’s too high and too far away….


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