The Mummy’s Missing Penis / charcoal

This is a subject of concern for many of our readers.

This is a subject of concern for many of our readers.

I need a bigger sketchbook.

People are asking for more info about the mummy’s missing penis, and I don’t know. I’m not going back to the Museum of Natural History in Washington DC.  And I’m not looking it up either.

Can someone tell me if that mutilated horror is still there frightening ladies, children and our foreign visitors?

This is what I heard. There’s a penis museum in Iceland. And the mummy’s penis might be there. I hope they get it back on the dead guy because I feel sorry for him. And maybe they can find his missing fingers too.

What do you think of this sketch for a large scale postmodern minimalist painting? I could do it 4′ x 8′. I bet the jurors would love it! Because that’s the kind of crap that wins the prize money. Then I’d have to think up a statement that sounds intellectual but is really meaningless. Did you ever notice with postmodern art, the pomposity of the art statement is inversely proportional to the quality of the work?

Outer Sarcophagus of Hor / detail / figures from ancient Egypt

breaking news about King Tut's penis on the link below

breaking news about King Tut’s penis on the link below

This photo shows the outer sarcophagus of Hor 525-404 BC. It’s on loan to the VMFA from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

A link of interest

Is that mutilated mummy still in the Museum of Natural History? A year ago I told them to return it to Egypt but they didn’t respond. I’m afraid to go back and look for it because it’s too gross and scary. In the real world my opinion doesn’t mean anything. If I was Michelle Obama the 1st thing I’d do is tell the Smithsonian to send that horror back to Egypt so it can be properly taken care of according to their customs. Will someone let Michelle Obama know about it so she can right this wrong thing in the museum? The taxpayers would appreciate it.

Mummy / Horror / Museum of Natural History / Smithsonian

mummy / smithsonianWhen I saw the mummy, before I read the plaque, I said to my daughter, ” This must be a girl mummy. ” There’s no penis on it. Sarah was one step ahead of me. read the plaque and said , “No it’s a man. ” I was shocked ! The mummy we saw last year has a penis ! What happened to this guy ? !  They say they can determine the sex by the bones, and this is male. They also say they don’t know who the mummy is, or have its history.

Let me clue you in , Smithsonian. If you don’t know who dug it up, and it comes to you mutilated, there’s a good chance it was stolen by grave robbers. No one except grave robbers would take the penis off a mummy.  OMG , Think of all the kids and foreign visitors who see this and are disturbed, including myself. Am I the only person outraged by this ?!

Take it out of there ! Bury it or send it back to Egypt !